Friday, May 15, 2009

35 and counting...

So, yeah; I've slacked on the blogging. No apologies; there are other things that just take priority, and frankly, when you write for a living, you don't want to write outside very much. It's kind of the same reason I didn't play music much when I was doing the Emergenza stuff. Meh...

My 35th birthday was today. I'm officially old enough to run for President now, so prepare your votes. I am buying them for $.0001 apiece for the 2012 campaign.

The day went well; we had dinner at my mom and dad's tonight, with the whole family. It was a pleasant reminder that no matter how old we get or how crazy life can be, what matters most is what is easiest to have, which is love. To see my niece's face light up when she sees Layla always makes me smile. These days are the ones that I will try hardest to never forget.

Layla's getting so big now. Carrie weighed her at her parents' house the other day, and she's up to 20.4 pounds. She'll be nine months old on the 28th, and pictures cannot describe how much she's developed. I did finally figure out how to pull the video off of my camera and edit it, so soon I will post some video clips of her doing incredibly cute baby stuff. She's got this toy that she loves. It's like a big mushroom with a chair attached to the outside, where she can run around in circles. She sits in it and walks around the outside just laughing... She's a quick little buggar. Of course, she's not walking on her own yet; her sense of balance is still far from that, but she's crawling all over the place. I'm discovering that there are a lot of things that still have to be "baby proofed," and she's discovering that cords are fun to pull on. Sigh...

Ahh... I need to hit the sack. I'd planned on writing more, but I'm pooped. I was going to get work done after dinner and crank out some wonderful shoes for all of you who shop at (ahem, ahem), but our network drive was down tonight. While I'm mentioning it, I will plug work. We have the coolest damn shoes you've seen, and it's cheaper than going to Foot Locker or Champs. Plus, for you midwesterner types, there's cool Callyfornia style stuff. Good luck finding it in Cape... :-)

So, I will post some pictures and video and stuff after this weekend is past. Between ridiculous storm clean up, movie shooting, loads of work and trying to have some family time, it's been the week from H-e-double hockey sticks. Oh; I'm trying to work on the not-cussing thing. You know... got a daughter to raise now. ;-)