Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Race is On!

Just placed the order for the bed!

Kid not included, by the way.

With the bed ordered and expected to arrive early next week, and the sheets and blanket arriving any day, all that is left is to get the mattress, mattress pad, pillow and support for the mattress. I think I will just cut a piece of plywood to their specifications as suggested.

So, grand total? After those purchases, we have $218.38 left. I know that's enough to get the remaining items, so I will have a small check for the family as well, which is great. Of course, donations are still being accepted if you want to help out!

I will leave the donation button open through Friday at midnight. It takes a few days for that money to transfer to my bank account, so I want to be able to cut them a check when i deliver it.

I'll post pics of the delivery and James (the kiddo) as well when all of that happens.

I'm still floored that in three days, we've raised $476.44 for a kid that none of us know. I know I've got another $40 coming as well, so that will put us over $500. You've opened your hearts, your wallets... It means a lot to me to know that you people exist in my world. Makes things a little warmer, you know?

More to come!

Monday, February 8, 2010

When Your Heart Moves...

So last night I was up late (imagine that), and was perusing Craigslist. Wow, is my life exciting or what?
Anyway, in checking the free stuff section (you can never tell when you'll find a cool prize), I came across this post.

"Grandson just got out of Cardinal Glennon for cancer treatment/ They want him to be in a toddler bed due to all of his chemo and worried of him falling out of a regular bed. Money is tight due to all expenses of being in hospital for 3 months. All he is asking for is a cars lightning mcqueen bed. He has been a trooper during the whole thing..."

So, I read this. And my heart just broke. Layla is so perfectly healthy, and I can't imagine what it would be like to watch your baby go through what they've dealt with. To be able to bring him home is such a blessing in itself, and this little dude deserves something special all for himself.

I decided to post the situation on my Facebook, and I set up my PayPal account to accept donations towards fulfilling my plan of getting him a bed and the necessary stuff like mattress, pad, sheets, pillows, etc.

I posted that at midnight. By the time I went to bed at 3am, there was already over $100 donated. When I came downstairs at 9:30, there was over $200. Now, at 2:45pm, we're at nearly $370. I'm very happy that it hasn't even been 24 hours and we're getting close to being able to really do this right.

I'm shopping around online now to find the best deal to get everything together, and will post more when it's happening and what it's costing, etc. Anything over the needed amount will be donated to the family to help with medical bills and such.

If you want to donate, send your donations to through PayPal. For some damn reason I can't cut and paste in my blog thingy anymore (lame), so I can't put the donation button up here. There is one on my Facebook, however, but it's very easy to go to PayPal, click "send money" and follow the instructions thereout.

I'll update soon, so follow the saga. I can't wait to make this kiddo smile.