Sunday, November 25, 2012

Rise Above

I don't post much, but when i do, I prefer to post with the default font. Stay unimpressed, my friends....

I got angry today. Shaking angry. And it was in front of my kids. And if the offender had been a man, I may have laid him out. I NEVER, EVER WANT MY KIDS TO SEE THAT MAN. Ever.

I'm not going into any details about the altercation. I feel like shit about it, frankly. Even though this person got me more upset than I have been in years, I felt like I should have apologized to her. The monster nearly got out of its cage.

But, I kept my cool. I didn't "go off," and I didn't get punked out in front of my kids, either. I did have to explain to Layla that when someone really hurts your feelings or threatens those you love, you have to be strong; take a stand and protect yourself, but never take it over the edge. I also explained to her that daddy is always going to stand up for her, even when she makes a complete ass of herself. Make the right choices and your regret will never be.

So, I'm stressed. Really ready for something awesome to happen to Carrie. I see her get thumped at Best Buy (interesting note on tonight to follow), humpin' it on this internship AND finishing up her last semester for this degree... all while trying to maintain some semblance of Motherhood.

She's a great lady.

And tonight, she wanted to get off early so she could meet us for the parade. Two little smartasses at Best Buy did everything they could to make that difficult for her. I'm not going to put their names up here, but Carrie had to talk me down from going in there and making them both cry like babies.

I'm fed up with that place. I really hope their manager gives them hell all shopping season long. Because I will if this slides. I have friends who need to return things and argue about it for an hour.

Still getting that vindictive thing off my chest. I think I'll go play Warfighter for a bit. That'll help.

***But first, Mama Jude update; she's doing really well for being 5/13 through her chemo treatments. She heads back in Tuesday for her next treatment.

If you do the math, she's behind schedule. That's because she has been having some additional kidney issues, and they had to put in a new stent during treatment time, so they held off so that could take and heal properly.

Her spirits are good; I'm proud of how she is holding up. Lesser woman would grind to a halt; Friday, she was trapsing through the field with Dad, the kids, Carrie and I looking for arrowheads.
I really feel that God is keeping her up and healing her so quickly because we are all supposed to interpret her recovery individually. Some take will be literal; that mom is healed and cancer-free (we hope) and that's that. Some will read something else into it.
Me? I will take it as a literal example of the strength of God and His wisdom to lead those in and to his Kingdom. Hey, I know my friends are all over the place, spiritually. Don't let my love for God and the peace I find in Him deter you from being my friend. Just respect that is where I am. I'll hold respect for you, and pray that you find peace as well. But if you want to chat about it, I know some pretty smart people that won't try and shove it down your throat. So there ya go.
I am going to be planning a celebration party for Mom next year, late spring most likely. She should be done with chemo and back to par by then. Shindig at the farm in New Wells. Barn party. Band(s), clowns, Cole in a bunny suit... It will be the jam.

And yes, Cole, I just called you out.

G'nite, friends. Sweet dreams.