Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bump Watch Update: Feel the excitement, kids.

19 August 2008: Headed to the doctor's office today, for our scheduled appointment. After my usual 10 minute nap in the waiting room and reading an intriguing article about the future of Penthouse in Forbes magazine, we headed back for Carrie's check up.

"Well, looks like you're about 1 cm. The head is down, so that's good."

Could be any day now. Could be a week. It's just that time to play the waiting game. We did set up another appointment for next week Tuesday. If Layla hasn't made her grand entrance by that time, we are doing another sonogram and will talk about inducing labor. IF (and that's a big "if") we have to induce, I'm going to suggest that we go to B-Dubs (a.k.a. Buffalo Wild Wings for the layman).
B-Dubs, as we affectionately call it, has a little in-house contest associated with their hottest wings. The sauce is known as "Blazin'," which is probably the understatement of the year. This sauce has the potential energy to run Dallas for about 2 months in one bottle. Frankly, I don't see why we don't tap this renewable energy source and start saving money immediately, but that's an entirely different blog.
Anyway, they have a contest that if you can eat six wings in the Blazin' sauce in six minutes, you get a t-shirt and your photo posted on their "Wall of Bad-asses" or whatever they actually call it. It's interesting to me to see the pictures of people who have accomplished this seemingly impossible feat. I feel for them; going the rest of your life without a sense of taste seems like one hell of a sacrifice to make for a t-shirt and a photo with a semi-hot waitress, but I digress.
They say spicy food is one way to start labor along its natural path. I'm thinking, let her tear into these wings, and maybe (and this is a long shot) they'll have to put a picture of Carrie on their wall with "Labor Face"* and shocked waitresses. I think that would trump any Polo-wearing Mexican with a 6-pack waitress.
Of course, there are the side effects to think of, but those are just that: Things to think of and not write about. At least, not today.

*Labor Face: I use this term to define what can only be described as a mix of primal aggression, fear, fatigue and longing for satisfaction and rest. It applies to women during childbirth and men during really, really bad constipation. I'm not saying the acts are equal; just the faces are similar.

One night last week, we put all of our stuffed animals that we owned and that we've received in the crib. We thought that would be nice, for Layla to share some cushy goodness that helped us through some tough times as a kid.

We did that in the evening, and when Carrie came upstairs to go to bed, she came to me and told me to get the camera for an uber-cute moment. Napoleon decided that he needed some cushy comfort, too. After I snapped the picture, I went back into the other room, and then Carrie came and grabbed me about five minutes later. Truman, it appeared, had decided that Nappy took his turn and ousted him from his spot. Napoleon got voted off the island, so to speak.

"Any day now..." I guess we're ready. Here's a photo of our super awesome mega stroller 5000. It's one of the "Travel Systems," as they're known. We scored this off of Craigslist for less than half of the original price, brand new and still in the box. Just outstanding.

Someone made the comment to me about what it will be like when we have our second, having to wait 9 months instead of 6 weeks. I'm sure it will be ridiculously long, but on the upside, I'll be able to blog about it a lot more. :-)

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