Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cruisin' along like a Cadillac...

29 July 2008: The visit to the doctor went off without a hitch today! Our “little” girl is now around 6 lb 2 oz, which is up 13 oz from last week’s visit. If you do the math, that’s a gain of about 1.86 oz/day. At this rate, if she goes to August 26 as predicted, that’s gonna put her at 9 lb 6 oz. Math is fun. I doubt that will be the case; I honestly doubt if she waits that long to pop. We’ll see!

We got to see fingers and toes today, and she gave the sonogram nurse a swift kick. Funny to watch that happen in real time. NINJA BABY! She’s got hair on her head already, which means she has more than I do and she’s not even born yet. Awesome.

It still overwhelms me to see a live baby inside Carrie's tummy. The definition of a humanoid is getting ever clearer, and she's so active now! At night, I put my lips against her belly and sing to my baby and I can feel her kicking and punching my mouth. That slowed down once I switched from Pantera to Jack Johnson, thankfully.

I took prego Carrie pictures outside of our townhouse last evening, so I'll stick one or two up when I get home. It's going to be a shock to our friends who saw us not two months ago. She's become so... round! She still doesn't have any swelling anywhere or back pain or the usual pregnancy issues, which is such a blessing. Hell; I got home from work yesterday and she had cleaned the apt on her day off. She's resilient, and so strong. Probably the strongest spirit I've even known.

I can't wait to see our superkid! We don't head back until next week, as the doctor is very pleased with how everything is going, despite our crazy beginnings. I would've never expected that my baby would be relatively trouble-free; what a crazy blessing!

I hope you're all ready for the coming of my baby girl. Oh; yes, we are working on names. We have narrowed the selection to a short list, but I'm not posting anything up yet. Carrie already outted Esmerelda and Wilhelmina. Dammit.

Thanks for reading! That’s the latest from Bump Watch ’08!

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