Sunday, July 3, 2011

9 Hours and Counting...

Carrie's around 6cm now. I've been advised by her that if I wish to eat dinner, now would be a good time to do it.

She's taking things in stride, though I can tell it's wearing her out. They put her on oxygen, mainly as a precaution and to supplement. Lawson's heart rate drops when she has a contraction, so they think he's being compressed somewhat.

To alleviate that somewhat, they had her on her knees, lifting her back up and down. I left the room to get a coffee while the nurse was checking her, and came back in to doggie-style pushups. Good times.

So far, no concerns regarding the heart rate. The guess is that his head may be a little close, or the cord may be coming across his chest. Carrie is the ONLY patient here in labor, so she's definitely got the full attention of the staff. That's a good thing. :)

I'm off to dinner. Trying to think of something she doesn't like to eat so I don't feel guilty. LJS?

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