Monday, July 4, 2011

Now that the Dust has Settled

Breathing. I think I almost forgot how that works, once I saw my son's face for the first time. I watched him emerge from Carrie, the doctor cleared his airways and he made his first, strong cries. I remembered so much instantly from when Layla was born. I felt like we were back in Dallas, 3 years younger and scared to death, seperated by hundreds of miles from our support structure. Carrie's parents were there for us then, and this time, everyone was here.

Mom, dad, Jamie and Dori, David, Cindy and Layla were all here. After his birth and measurements were taken, they got Carrie cleaned up and presentable and wrapped Lawson in his little blue and white hospital blanket and handed him to me.

* * *

Before Carrie began the long stretch of pushing and straining, cycling over and over until he was delivered, I sat down on the doc's spinning stool and rolled up to Carrie's side. I held her hand, bowed my head and prayed. I prayed to God for her safety, and for Lawson's. I prayed harder than I have in a long time. And I felt Him touch me. I felt his hand on my shoulder. I saw my Grandma Minnie, my Grandpa Towler, Gary Wayne and even Truman, watching down from Heaven, assuring me that everything would be fine. My eyes filled with tears, and as I sat up from my prayer I felt the tears break down my face. Though tired, stressed and pressed to the limit through all of the trials of this year, this moment, I was at peace.

I stood by Carrie's side throughout the process, holding her left knee with my other hand behind her back, helping her push up as much as I could, watching with anticipation for that moment when Lawson's head would crown. Once I saw that fuzzy head start to emerge, I knew it wasn't going to be long.

Mom and baby are doing great. Carrie is finally getting some rest, after some more intensive clean up and proper padding. Childbirth ain't purty, kids, but she's a champ. Seriously; she would have been totally fine in the days where the country was young and expanding Westward. Just bring an epidural on the time machine.

Vital stats and pics on the next blog. Thanks to EVERYONE for all of the prayers, well-wishes and cheerful thoughts. You are loved, and we're awefully blessed!

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