Sunday, July 3, 2011

Getting Close

So I just got back from dinner, and as I entered the hospital, Carrie texted me to tell me that she has a little bit of cervix left, and she's at 9 cm. While I was at dinner, Dr. Cugini (her OB) came in and checked her out. She went to have a quick dinner with her husband, and then she's coming back to get this show on the road!

Are we ready? Yes. I have my Vicks, and Carrie has her epidural. Are we ready? Not at all. Freaking out over the obvious things, like the job situation, but we will make it work.

She's been in good spirits. I'm sure that anxiety will press as family gets here (no offense; LOVE y'all) and things get more hectic, but at this point, she's focused, not in pain, and ready to do what she has to do to bring Lawson into this world.

Above all, at this point, I'm glad we're here. I've regretted the move back to Missouri for a host of reasons since we did it, but there have been positives. This one shines above all others. To be able to be surrounded by those who love us and help us and are here with us. Thank God for every one of you.

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